This is a brand new beggining for my Global Community/Network aka Academy of Inner Light, but fortunately not a single one up to date.
A few years ago I managed to establish a glorious webpage founded upon Wix.com that unfortunately turned to be non interactive and responsive to social,technological and spiritual demands of an evolutionary and always changing society.
So I gave up this webpage due to the high rates and fees (I couldn't afford paying it).
But I didn't give up HOPE.
Recently I was reinforced to re-establish a pretty new webpage founded also upon Wix.com myself (like my whole network).
This time my brand new webpage is a wonderfully exploited site that meets with the demands of the society and above all with my own.
Surely I will be publishing this webpage in the near future.
If you feel that the content and services along with the emitted vibrations are worth sharing, please do share it with your friends and partners.
Your comment are also invaluable for the quality and reinforcement of our Network.
Always in Love and Light
Katerina Kostaki
Athens, Greece