In those moments, when you feel drifted by the wave of nostalgia, feel as if travelling in the thoughts along the paths of mind, in those moments you feel that a new song is being born.
The song that affects you, that skyrockets you, that leads you to the centre of heart.
You contemplate how much long and solitary the street of your life existence was, although a lot of people surrounded you.
Along that street you started walking, you did not even know neither the beginning, nor its end.
In this course of life, full of lit white candles, thus fiery ideals, luminous virtues, holy principles of an alive system of values that exists , but in the corner of the path unknown lurks.
Deep darkness prevails in the crossroad, but the light scatters the darkness and brings the drops of happiness.
A secret voice whispers in your ear, a vibration strikes in your heart, a message is recorded in your brain with golden letters:
"Go ahead!!! ......"
........and you go ahead in that street that engraves your soul, paints your glance with the paintbrushes of love and truth.
You go ahead even though people are sneering at you, because you chose this gnarled path and not the easy one, because you did not succumb to facilities depreciation and the trivialisation of moral values.
You go ahead beyond scorn and decay imposed in your familiar environment.
You go ahead beyond temptation and regrouping, created by conditions of life, because you believe in its entirety, in the unit but not in the "making mincemeat of people" and in the "compression" of personality, in the transcendence and not in corruption.
You go ahead in that street that most of people hesitate or deny; even if they deeply wish they could follow, envying those who in deep faith follow it.
You go ahead because you know the only one and unique thing: that you are ultimately lucky for being in this path, after bloody labours and insurmountable efforts, looking at "The marks of your destiny".
You are grateful, though you have ached innumerable times from the blows of your fellowmen, from the unforgiving injustices committed to you because, you were not polluted, you did not succumb and made the wisest choice:
You walk in this path, selected by you and not imposed on you, because you kept your personal agreement with your clear conscience.
You walk along the road, "the road the less travelled" and eventually you walk free and alone.
*** Dedicated to those who keep striving…
© Katerina Kostaki
Spiritual Author-Poet-Healer
My article was published in " Postal World “ and "Kataigis" newspapers