First of all, it depends on what kind of audience we are referring to.
People who are willing to follow the Path of Awakening and Transformation is the target group or audience of my Life advice:
Step out of your Old Self.
Become a true change within you.
Become the change in the world.
World needs changes.
People need changes.
They crave to watch a great difference, something provocative
in a spiritual way to say or in a literal way of speaking.
Look at the news feed and you might see a lot of interesting issues.
What is offered to people to watch on screen, and what mental food
people choose to be fed with.
Suddenly they realize that they are fed up because of the trash they are fed with from #Media.
Watch the word "Feed" !!
It's everywhere!
( Read full text here: The Sacred Inner Sanctuary and the Manifestation of True Self )
© Katerina Kostaki
Katerina Kostaki is a visionary author, poet, healer and mentor.
Owner of the Academy of Inner Light (Community).
Watch her inspirational and motivational videos on her Youtube Channel & TikTok .
